Online Enhancement Columbus

Online Enhancement

Expand your digital footprint with advanced web management tools and enhanced SEO strategies to drive more traffic to your site.

Starting at

€ 3,500

  • Custom CMS
  • Advanced SEO
  • Social Media Integration
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How it works

The process starts with an in-depth analysis of the client's needs and business goals. The team proceeds with the development of a custom CMS using technologies like Node.js and MongoDB, ensuring scalability and flexibility to easily manage site content. Advanced SEO strategies are implemented, including a thorough keyword analysis and on-page and off-page optimization. Social media profiles are integrated using APIs like Facebook Graph API and Twitter API, allowing the client to easily manage their social accounts directly from the CMS. Once the integration is complete, the client receives detailed training on how to use the CMS and implement best SEO practices to maximize online impact.

Package details

We offer a custom CMS that gives you complete autonomy in content management, combined with high-level SEO strategies to maximize online visibility. Full social media integration to promote meaningful interactions and increase engagement, accompanied by specific training and API integration for greater functionality.

  • Custom and scalable content management system
  • Analysis and implementation of advanced SEO strategies
  • Configuration and management of social media profiles
  • Training on CMS management and best SEO practices
  • API integrations to extend site functionality
Online Enhancement Columbus
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